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Results: 230 datasets
Description | Data period |
Temperature in Oulu - real time data Outside air temperature measurement at Leväsuo substation. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Other power transactions, up-regulation Other power transactions which are necessary in view of the power system. | 1 h |
aFRR energy activation volume with marginal price, up The dataset will be available on June 12, when Fingrid takes the aFRR energy market into use. Possible values before this are test values. aFRR energy activation volume with marginal price upwards direction, including bidding zone FI activations with marginal price. | 15 min |
Incentivising Component (IC) SE1 Incentivising Component (IC) SE1. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Incentivising Component (IC) SE3 Incentivising Component (IC) SE3. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Balancing Capacity (mFRR), up, hourly market, procurement forecast Data before 30.11.2022 is test-data. The forecasted amount of upwards balancing capacity procurement [MW/h]. Fingrid procures mFRR capacity through the balancing capacity market, which is held when needed. Balance service provider pledges itself to leave regulating bids on the regulation market. For that the balance service provider is entitled to capacity payment. | 1 h |
Total electricity consumption in Finnish distribution networks Aggregate hourly metering data for electricity accounting points in Finnish distribution networks. The data is derived from metering data provided to Datahub by Finnish distribution system operators. The data is submitted daily, the calculation interval is 1 month and the latest data is -4 days. Electricity consumption reflects the figures available at the time the report was generated and may include partially estimated metering data. Estimated metering data is generally corrected within 11 days. The Value attribute contains electricity consumption measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), and the Count attribute contains the number of accounting points. The data is available starting from 1.8.2023. | 1 h |
Incentivising Component (IC) DK1 Incentivising Component (IC) DK1. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Incentivising Component (IC) NO1 Incentivising Component (IC) NO1. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). VoAA and IC are not implemented in Norway as in the other Nordic countries, but corresponding values are published for informational purposes. In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) DK1 Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) DK1. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Day-ahead transmission capacity FI-EE - planned Planned day-ahead transmission capacity from Finland (FI) to Estonia (EE). Transmission capacity is given hourly for every next week hour. Each week's hour is given one value. Planned weekly transmission capacity Fingrid will publish every Tuesday. Information will be updated if there are changes to the previous plan timetable or capacity. Transmission capacity mean the capability of the electricity system to supply electricity to the market without compromising the system security. This time series will not be updated after 29.10.2024. | 1 h |
Transmission between Finland and Estonia - real time data Power transmission between Finland and Estonia HVDC tie lines (Estlink 1 and Estlink 2). Data is based on the real-time measurements in Fingrid's operation control system. Positive sign means transmission from Finland to Estonia. Negative sign means transmission from Estonia to Finland. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Intraday transmission capacity FI-SE3 Transmission capacity for intraday market from Finland to Mid Sweden (FI - SE3). For intraday market capacity is given as free capacity after dayahead market. Capacity is published once a day and not updated. Possible errors in values at moments when the day-ahead market transmission is from Finland to Sweden. | 1 h |
Electric boiler consumption sum - real time data The sum of measured consumption of the Electric boilers is based on real time-time measurement in Fingrids operational control system. | 1 min |
mFRR flow FI-SE3 mFRR energy crossborder flow on border FI-SE3. Positive value is (+) export and negative value is (-) import. | 15 min |
Activated mFRR balancing regulation DA downward Downward balancing power activated for balancing needs in the mFRR energy market. Direct activation (DA). Maximum power of the quarter hour. | 15 min |
mFRR down-regulation bids Quarterly sum of downward bids submitted by Finnish parties to the mFRR energy market. Only the largest volume or activated bid is summed from exclusive bids. Condition bids are summed when they have final status available. Unavailable bids are not included. | 15 min |
Activated mFRR special regulation SA upward Upward balancing power activated for special regulation needs in the mFRR energy market. Scheduled activation (SA). | 15 min |
Commercial transmission of electricity between FI-SE1 Commercial flow on border FI-SE1. Commercial flow includes sum flow from Day-ahead and Intraday markets. Positive value is (+) export and negative value is (-) import.
Data is updated as follows: · previous day once pre hour h + 2 min · Current and following day once per hour h + 45 min | 1 h |
Wind power generation forecast - updated every 15 minutes Finnish wind power generation forecast for the next 72 hours. Updated every 15 minutes. The forecast is based on weather forecasts and data about the location, size and capacity of wind turbines. The weather data sourced from multiple providers. The Data before 31.05.2023 is in hourly resolution. | 15 min |
Down-regulation bids, price of the last activated - real time data The dataset will no longer be updated after the mFRR EAM golive on 4 March 2025. The price of the last activated down-regulation bid. The price is published real-time when Finland is a separate regulation area. Finland is an own separate regulation area in a situation where the border transmission connections between Finland and the Nordic countries are fully operational, which means that no more balancing energy can be exported to the other Nordic countries. In this case, only Finnish offers can be used. The balancing energy market is used to balance electricity production and consumption in real time. Fingrid orders up- or down-regulation, i.e. balancing energy, from the balancing energy market as needed. Down-regulation can be a reduction in production or an increase in consumption and the price for down-regulation is determined by the cheapest down-regulation offer used. In situations where Fingrid has activated balancing energy for purposes other than balancing, the published price may differ from the final price for balancing energy. The published price is indicative. | 1 h |
Frequency containment reserve for disturbances upwards regulation, received bids in hourly market The volume of received frequency containment reserve for disturbances upwards regulation (FCR-D up) bids. The volume of bids will be published 22:45 (EET) on previous evening. FCR-D (up) is the frequency containment reserve used in the Nordic synchronous system that aims to keep the frequency above 49,5 Hz during disturbances. Hourly market is a reserve market operated by Fingrid. Procured volumes vary for each hour and price is the price of the most expensive procured bid. | 1 h |
Frequency Containment Reserve for Normal operation, foreign trade The volume of the foreign trade of frequency containment reserve for normal operation (FCR-N) capacity. Positive numbers indicate import of capacity to Finland and negative numbers indicate export of capacity from Finland. The data contains the traded capacity for Sweden, Norway, Estonia and Russia*. The data will be published 22:45 (EET) on previous evening. FCR-N is the frequency containment reserve used in the Nordic synchronous system that aims to keep the frequency in normal frequency range between 49,9 - 50,1 Hz. Hourly market is a reserve market operated by Fingrid. Procured volumes vary for each hour and price is the price of the most expensive procured bid. *Procuring reserves from Russia has ended 14.5.2022 | 1 h |
Electricity production, reserve power plants and small-scale production - real time data Reserve power plants electrical production is based on the real-time measurements in Fingrid's operation control system. Estimated small-scale production is added, of which there are no measurements available. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
The sum of the up-regulation bids in the balancing energy market The hourly sum of the up-regulation offers given by Finnish parties to the Balancing energy market is published hourly with one hour delay, eg. information from hour 07-08 is published at 9 o'clock. Balancing energy market is market place for manual freqeuncy restoration reserve (mFRR) which is used to balance the electricity generation and consumption in real time. The Balancing energy market organized by Fingrid is part of the Nordic Balancing energy market that is called also Regulating power market. Fingrid orders up- or down-regulation from the Balancing energy market. Up-regulation considers increasing of production or reducing of consumption. | 1 h |
Temperature in Rovaniemi - real time data Outside air temperature measurement at Valajaskoski substation. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Cross-border transmission fee, import from Russia Hourly cross-border transmission fee (dynamic tariff) for imports from Russia on Fingrid's connections. | 1 h |
Transmission of electricity between Finland and Northern Sweden - measured every 15 minutes The values in the data have been erroneously instantaneous values. From February 21, 2024, the data are correct 15-minute averages. Average data can be found correctly on the European transparency platform: Measured transmission of electricity between Finland and Northern Sweden (SE1). Positive sign means transmission from Finland to Northern Sweden (SE1). Negative sign means transmission from Northern Sweden (SE1) to Finland. The average shown every quarter is the average of the past quarter, i.e. the value coming with a time stamp of 14:15 is the average from 14:00-14:15. The Data before 13.06.2023 is in hourly resolution. | 15 min |
Day-ahead transmission capacity EE-FI - planned Planned day-ahead transmission capacity from Estonia (EE) to Finland (FI). Transmission capacity is given hourly for every next week hour. Each week's hour is given one value. Planned weekly transmission capacity Fingrid will publish every Tuesday. Information will be updated if there are changes to the previous plan timetable or capacity. Transmission capacity mean the capability of the electricity system to supply electricity to the market without compromising the system security. This time series will not be updated after 29.10.2024. | 1 h |
Activated mFRR balancing regulation downward Downward balancing power activated for balancing needs in the mFRR energy market. Scheduled activation (SA) and direct activation (DA). Maximum power of the quarter hour. | 15 min |
Activated mFRR balancing regulation upward Upward balancing power activated for balancing needs in the mFRR energy market. Scheduled activation (SA) and direct activation (DA). Maximum power of the quarter hour. | 15 min |
Down-regulation price in the Balancing energy market Downward marginal price of mFRR energy for Scheduled activation (SA) and direct activation (DA).Down-regulation considers increasing of consumption or reducing of generation. | 15 min |
Power system state - real time data Different states of the power system - traffic lights: 1=green, 2=yellow, 3=red, 4=black, 5=blue*. Green: Power system is in normal secure state.* Yellow: Power system is in endangered state. The adequacy of the electricity is endangered or the power system doesn't fulfill the security standards. * Red: Power system is in disturbed state. Load shedding has happened in order to keep the adequacy and security of the power system or there is a remarkable risk to a wide black out. * Black: An extremely serious disturbance or a wide black out in Finland.* Blue: The network is being restored after an extremely serious disturbance or a wide blackout. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Kinetic energy of the Nordic power system - real time data Real-time estimate of the kinetic energy of the Nordic power system calculated by the Nordic transmission system operators. The data is updated every 1 minute. Historical data as of 27.3.2015 available. | 1 min |
Total production capacity used in the wind power forecast This is the total wind production capacity used in Fingrid's wind power forecast. It is based capacity information gathered by Fingrid. This total capacity information can be used, for example, to calculate the rate of production of wind power, by comparing it to the actual wind production series by Fingrid. This capacity information cannot however be considered as the official amount of wind production capacity in Finland, as it is updated manually. | 1 h |
Transmission between Finland and Northern Sweden - real time data Power transmission between Northern Sweden (SE1) and Finland (FI) 400kV AC tie line. Data is based on the real-time measurements in Fingrid's operation control system. Positive sign means transmission from Finland to Northern Sweden (SE1). Negative sign means transmission from Northern Sweden (SE1) to Finland. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
The sum of the down-regualtion bids in the Balancing energy market The hourly sum of the down-regulation offers given by Finnish parties to the Balancing energy market is published hourly with one hour delay, eg. information from hour 07-08 is published at 9 o'clock. Balancing energy market is market place for manual freqeuncy restoration reserve (mFRR) which is used to balance the electricity generation and consumption in real time. The Balancing energy market organized by Fingrid is part of the Nordic Balancing energy market that is called also Regulating power market. Fingrid orders up- or down-regulation from the Balancing energy market. Down-regulation considers increasing of consumption or reducing of generation. Down-regulation bids have negative sign. | 1 h |
Day-ahead transmission capacity FI-EE - official Day-ahead transmission capacity from Finland (FI) to Estonia (EE). Transmission capacity is given hourly for every hour of the next day. Each hour is given one value. Day-ahead transmission capacity Fingrid will publish every day in the afternoon. This capacity will not be changed after publication. Transmission capacity means the capability of the electricity system to supply electricity to the market without compromising the system security. | 1 h |
Bilateral trade capacity RUS-FI, unused Unused bilateral trade capacity From Russia (RUS) to Finland (FI). The capacity of electricity transmission in bilateral trade can be left unused if the parties do not import the maximum amount of electricity to Finland. | 1 h |
Congestion income between FI-SE1 Congestion income between Finland (FI) and Northern Sweden (SE1). Congestion income is published on ENTSO-E's Transparency Platform, which can be founded here: . There are historical values to be found from Open Data until the beginning of February 2017. After February 2017 updated data as well as historical data can be founded from ENTSO-E's Transparency Platform. Congestion income is calculated as follows: congestion income [/h] = commercial flow on day ahead market [MW] * area price difference [/MWh]. Congestion originates in the situation where transmission capacity between bidding zones is not sufficient to fulfill the market demand and the congestion splits the bidding zones into separate price areas. Congestion income arises from the different prices that the sellers receive and the buyers pay when electricity flows from the higher price area to the lower price area. The seller acting in a lower price area receives lower price for electricity compared to the price the other party pays for electricity in the higher price area, and the power exchange receives surplus income, which it then pays to the Transmission System Operators (TSOs). The TSOs spend the received congestion income on increasing the transmission capacity on its cross-border interconnectors according to the EU regulation. | 1 h |
Intraday transmission capacity SE3-FI Transmission capacity for intraday market from Mid Sweden to Finland (SE3-FI). Capacity for intraday market is given as free capacity after dayahead market. Capacity is published once a day and not updated. Possible errors in values at moments when the day-ahead market transmission is from Finland to Sweden. | 1 h |
Frequency containment reserves for disturbances upwards regulation, reserve plans in the yearly market The hourly sum of reserve plans for frequency containment reserve for disturbances upwards regulation (FCR-D up) in the yearly market. The data will be published 22:45 (EET) on previous evening. FCR-D (up) is the frequency containment reserve used in the Nordic synchronous system that aims to keep the frequency above 49,5 Hz during disturbances. Yearly market is a reserve market operated by Fingrid. Hourly procured volumes vary according to the reserve plans submitted by the balancing service providers and the price is constant over the whole year. | 1 h |
Incentivising Component (IC) FI Incentivising Component (IC) FI. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) NO5 Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) NO5. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). VoAA and IC are not implemented in Norway as in the other Nordic countries, but corresponding values are published for informational purposes. In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Frequency containment reserves for disturbances upwards regulation, hourly market prices Hourly prices (/MW,h) of procured frequency containment reserve for disturbances upwards regulation (FCR-D up) in Finnish hourly market for each CET-timezone day is published previous evening at 22:45 (EET). FCR-D (up) is the frequency containment reserve used in the Nordic synchronous system that aims to keep the frequency above 49,5 Hz during disturbances. Hourly market is a reserve market operated by Fingrid. Procured volumes vary for each hour and price is the price of the most expensive procured bid. | 1 h |
Electricity shortage status Electricity shortage status. An electricity shortage occurs when electricity production and imports are not enough to cover electricity consumption. In such cases, it is necessary to restrict consumption to stop the power system from crashing altogether. Fingrid informs citizens on its [ website ( and with a press release in accordance with the three-step procedure when the situation possibly escalates.* 0 = Normal* 1 = Electricity shortage possible* 2 = High risk of electricity shortage* 3 = Electricity shortage. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Electricity consumption by customer type at accounting points in Finnish distribution networks Aggregate hourly metering data for electricity accounting points in Finland, categorised by customer type. Customer types: company = AB01, consumer = AB02. The data is derived from metering data provided to Datahub by Finnish distribution system operators and customer type data provided by electricity suppliers. For accounting points with small-scale production, the production has been deducted from the metering data. Therefore consumption is not comparable with Fingrid’s other Open Data reports.The data is submitted daily, the calculation interval is 1 month and the latest data is -4 days. Electricity consumption reflects the figures available at the time the report was generated and may include partially estimated metering data. Estimated metering data is generally corrected within 11 days. The Value attribute contains electricity consumption measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), and the Count attribute contains the number of accounting points. The data is available starting from 1.8.2023. | 1 h |
Small-scale electricity surplus production by production type at accounting points in Finnish distribution networks Aggregate hourly metering data for small-scale electricity production sites in Finland, categorised by production type. If no production device has been reported for an electricity production site, or if there are several production devices, production type = Other production. Production types: AV01 = Hydropower, AV02 = Wind power, AV03 = Nuclear power, AV04 = Gas turbine, AV05 = Diesel engine, AV06 = Solar power, AV07 = Wave power, AV08 = Combined production, AV0 9 = Biopower, AV10 = Other production. The data is derived from metering data and production type data provided to Datahub by Finnish distribution system operators and customer type data provided by electricity suppliers. The data is submitted daily, the calculation interval is 1 month and the latest data is -4 days. Small-scale electricity production reflects the figures available at the time the report was generated and may include partially estimated metering data. Estimated metering data is generally corrected within 11 days. The Value attribute contains electricity consumption measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), and the Count attribute contains the number of accounting points. The data is available starting from 1.8.2023. | 1 h |
Day-ahead transmission capacity SE3-FI - planned Planned day-ahead transmission capacity from Central-Sweden (SE3) to Finland (FI). Transmission capacity is given hourly for every next week hour. Each week's hour is given one value. Planned weekly transmission capacity Fingrid will publish every Tuesday. Information will be updated if there are changes to the previous plan timetable or capacity. Transmission capacity means the capability of the electricity system to supply electricity to the market without compromising the system security. This time series will not be updated after 29.10.2024. | 1 h |
Day-ahead transmission capacity FI-SE3 - official Day-ahead transmission capacity from Finland (FI) to Central-Sweden (SE3). Transmission capacity is given hourly for every hour of the next day. Each hour is given one value. Day-ahead transmission capacity Fingrid will publish every day in the afternoon. This capacity will not be changed after publication. Transmission capacity means the capability of the electricity system to supply electricity to the market without compromising the system security.This time series will not be updated after 29.10.2024. | 1 h |
Electricity production prediction - updated every 15 minutes The calculation of production forecast in Finland is based on the production plans that balance responsible parties has reported to Fingrid. Production forecast is updated every 15 minutes. The Data before 03.06.2023 is in hourly resolution. | 15 min |
aFRR energy cross border marginal price down aFRR energy cross border marginal price (CBMP), downwards direction. Calculated by PICASSO platform for bidding zone FI when Fingrid is connected to PICASSO, or by Fingrid when Fingrid is not connected to PICASSO. The price is average price for each minute, if there have not been aFRR activations for respective direction during the period, the value is empty. | 1 min |
Activated down-regulation power The activated downward power from balancing power market. The value is given for each 15 minutes and indicated the amount of activated power in the end of each 15 minute time period. The values are available starting from December 2018. | 15 min |
Activated mFFR The Publication of the dataset can be suspended if maintaining system security requires it. The instantaneous net power of bids activated on the mFRR energy market. The sum effect of the activated offers when, when the activation recorded. The value is published about an hour after registration. A positive value means an upward activation, i.e. an increase in production or a decrease in consumption, and a negative value means a downward activation, i.e. a decrease in production or an increase in consumption. | 1 min |
Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) SE4 Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) SE4. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Net export / import of mFRR energy Amount exported (+) from Finland or imported (-) into Finland in the mFRR energy market. | 15 min |
Agreed supportive power FI-SE3 Agreed supportive power between TSOs on border FI - SE3. | 15 min |
Activated mFRR balancing regulation DA upward Upward balancing power activated for balancing needs in the mFRR energy market. Direct activation (DA). Maximum power of the quarter hour. | 15 min |
Activated mFRR special regulation SA downward Downward balancing power activated for special regulation needs in the mFRR energy market. Scheduled activation (SA). | 15 min |
Electricity consumption forecast - next 24 hours A consumption forecast for the next 24 hours made by Fingrid. Forecast is published on previous day at 12:00 EET. The Data before 21.04.2024 is in 5 minute resolution. | 15 min |
The buying price of production imbalance electricity The down-regulating price of the hour is the price of production imbalance power purchased by Fingrid from a balance responsible party. If no down-regulation has been made or if the hour has been defined as an up-regulation hour, the Elspot FIN price is used as the purchase price of production imbalance power. Separate production balance ended when 1.11.2021 01.00 setllement model was changed to single imbalance. | 1 h |
Stock exchange capacity FI-RUS The capacity on the 400 kV connection from Finland to Russia is reserved to direct trade of the following commercial day. Fingrid and the Russian parties, who have jointly agreed that the capacity is 140 MW in both directions, daily confirm the capacity. | 1 h |
Incentivising Component (IC)SE2 Incentivising Component (IC) SE2. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Balancing Capacity (mFRR), down, hourly market, price Data before 30.11.2022 is test-data. The marginal price of downwards balancing capacity procured from the balancing capacity market, /MW,h. Fingrid procures mFRR capacity through the balancing capacity market auction, which is held when needed. Balance service provider pledges itself to leave regulating bids on the regulation market. For that the balance service provider is entitled to capacity payment. | 1 h |
Frequency containment reserves for disturbances downwards regulation, hourly market prices Hourly prices (/MW,h) of procured frequency containment reserve for disturbances downwards regulation (FCR-D down) in Finnish hourly market for each CET-timezone day is published previous evening at 22:45 (EET). FCR-D down is the frequency containment reserve used in the Nordic synchronous system that aims to keep the frequency below 50,5 Hz during disturbances. Hourly market is a reserve market operated by Fingrid. Procured volumes vary for each hour and price is the price of the most expensive procured bid. | 1 h |
Frequency containment reserves for disturbances upwards regulation, nordic trade The volume of the nordic trade of frequency containment reserve for disturbances upwards regulation (FCR-D up) capacity. Positive numbers indicate import of capacity to Finland and negative numbers indicate export of capacity from Finland. The data contains the traded capacity for Sweden and Norway. The data will be published 22:45 (EET) on previous evening. FCR-D (up) is the frequency containment reserve used in the Nordic synchronous system that aims to keep the frequency above 49,5 Hz during disturbances. Hourly market is a reserve market operated by Fingrid. Procured volumes vary for each hour and price is the price of the most expensive procured bid. | 1 h |
Cogeneration of district heating - real time data Cogeneration of district heating based on the real-time measurements in Fingrid's operation control system. The data is updated every 3 minutes. Cogeneration means power plants that produce both electricity and district heating or process steam (combined heat and power, CHP). | 3 min |
Fast Frequency Reserve FFR, procurement forecast The procurement prognosis for Fast Frequency Reserve (FFR) (MW). Fingrid procures FFR based on the procurement prognosis. The prognosis is updated once a day, typically at 11:00 (EET). The Fast Frequency Reserve (FFR) is procured to handle low-inertia situations. The needed volume of Fast Frequency Reserve depends on the amount of inertia in the power system and the size of the reference incident. | 1 h |
aFRR energy activation volume with marginal price, down The dataset will be available on June 12, when Fingrid takes the aFRR energy market into use. Possible values before this are test values. aFRR energy activation volume with marginal price downwards direction, including bidding zone FI activations with marginal price. | 15 min |
aFRR energy activation volume local selection, down The dataset will be available on June 12, when Fingrid takes the aFRR energy market into use. Possible values before this are test values. aFRR energy activation volume local selection downwards direction, including bidding zone FI activations with lower price compared to marginal price. | 15 min |
aFRR energy activation volume local selection, up The dataset will be available on June 12, when Fingrid takes the aFRR energy market into use. Possible values before this are test values. aFRR energy activation volume local selection upwards direction, including bidding zone FI activations with higher price compared to marginal price. | 15 min |
Day-ahead transmission capacity SE1-FI - official Day-ahead transmission capacity from North-Sweden (SE1) to Finland (FI). Transmission capacity is given hourly for every hour of the next day. Each hour is given one value. Day-ahead transmission capacity Fingrid will publish every day in the afternoon. This capacity will not be changed after publication. Transmission capacity means the capability of the electricity system to supply electricity to the market without compromising the system security.This time series will not be updated after 29.10.2024. | 1 h |
aFRR energy cross border marginal price up aFRR energy cross border marginal price (CBMP), upwards direction. Calculated by PICASSO platform for bidding zone FI when Fingrid is connected to PICASSO, or by Fingrid when Fingrid is not connected to PICASSO. The price is average price for minute, if there have not been aFRR activations for respective direction during the period, the value is empty. | 1 min |
Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve, capacity, down Procured automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) capacity, down [MW] | 1 h |
Intraday transmission capacity EE-FI Transmission capacity to be given to intraday market EE - FI. Capacity for intraday market is given as free capacity after dayahead market. Capacity is published once a day and not updated. The time series will be changed to 15 min series 22.1.2025. | 1 h |
Intraday transmission capacity EE-FI Transmission capacity to be given to intraday market EE - FI. Capacity for intraday market is given as free capacity after dayahead market. Capacity is published once a day and not updated. The time series will be changed to 15 min series 22.1.2025. | 15 min |
Activated mFRR balancing regulation SA downward Downward balancing power activated for balancing needs in the mFRR energy market. Scheduled activation (SA). | 15 min |
aFRR energy volume weighted average price, down The dataset will be available on June 12, when Fingrid takes the aFRR energy market into use. Possible values before this are test values. aFRR energy volume weighted average price, downwards direction. Calculated based on PICASSO platform marginal price for bidding zone FI and satisfied demand of Fingrid, when Fingrid is connected to PICASSO. If Fingrid is not connected to PICASSO, based on marginal price calculated by Fingrid and activated aFRR volume in Finland. The price is volume weighted average price for each 15 minutes, if there have not been aFRR activations for respective direction during the period, the value is empty. Volume weighted average price is used in calculation of imbalance price. | 15 min |
aFRR energy volume weighted average price, local selection, down The dataset will be available on June 12, when Fingrid takes the aFRR energy market into use. Possible values before this are test values. aFRR energy volume weighted average price of local selection, downwards direction. Calculated based on downward bids activated with lower price comparing to PICASSO platform marginal price for bidding zone FI, and respective volume. If Fingrid is not connected to PICASSO, there will be no local selection activation or price. The price is volume weighted average price for each 15 minutes, taking in account the individual prices and volumes of locally activated bids. If there have not been aFRR activations for respective direction during the period, the value is empty. | 15 min |
Measured transmission of electricity in Finland from north to south Measured electricity flow in North-South cut in Finland (cut P1). In the graph flow from North to South is positive. The Data before 28.03.2024 is in hourly resolution. | 1 min |
Frequency - real time data Frequency of the power system based on the real-time measurements in Fingrid's operation control system. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Electricity production in Finland - real time data Electricity production in Finland based on the real-time measurements in Fingrid's operation control system. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Electricity consumption in Finland - real time data Electricity consumption in Finland is calculated based on production and import/export. The data is updated every 3 minutes. Production information and import/export are based on the real-time measurements in Fingrid's operation control system. | 3 min |
The sales price of production imbalance electricity The up-regulating price of the hour is the price of production imbalance power sold by Fingrid to a balance responsible party. If no up regulation has been made or if the hour has been defined as a down-regulation hour, the day ahead spot price of Finland is used as the selling price of production imbalance power. Separate production balance ended when 1.11.2021 01.00 settlement model was changed to single imbalance. | 1 h |
Time deviation - real time data Time deviation is the time difference in seconds between a clock running according to the frequency of the grid and a reference clock independent of the frequency of the grid. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Fast Frequency Reserve FFR, procured volume The volume of procured Fast Frequency Reserve (FFR). The procured volume will be published 22:00 (EET) on previous evening. The Fast Frequency Reserve (FFR) is procured to handle low-inertia situations. The needed volume of Fast Frequency Reserve depends on the amount of inertia in the power system and the size of the reference incident. | 1 h |
Incentivising Component (IC) DK2 Incentivising Component (IC) DK2. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Incentivising Component (IC) SE4 Incentivising Component (IC) SE4. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Commercial flow FI-NO4 Commercial flow on border FI-NO4. Commercial flow includes sum flow from Day-ahead and Intraday markets. Positive value is (+) export and negative value is (-) import.Data is updated as follows:• previous day once pre hour h + 2 min• Current and following day once per hour h + 45 min | 1 h |
Electricity consumption by user group in Finnish distribution networks Aggregate hourly metering data for electricity accounting points in Finland, categorised by user group. The user groups are based on classifications by Statistics Finland: BE01 = Apartments, apartment block; BE02 = Apartments, small building (terraced, semi-detached and detached house), electrically heated; BE03 = Apartments, small building (terraced, semi-detached and detached house), not electrically heated; BE04 = Apartments, holiday home; BE05 = Residential properties; BE06 = Agricultural production (NACE A); BE07 = Industry (NACE B and C); BE08 = Infrastructure or energy and water supply (NACE D, E); BE09 = Construction (temporary electricity supply) (NACE F): BE10 = Services; BE11 = Outdoor lighting; BE12 = Charging points for electric vehicles; BE13 = Traffic; BE14 = Other. The data is derived from metering data and user group data provided to Datahub by Finnish distribution system operators. The data is submitted daily, the calculation interval is 1 month and the latest data is -4 days. Electricity consumption reflects the figures available at the time the report was generated and may include partially estimated metering data. Estimated metering data is generally corrected within 11 days. The Value attribute contains electricity consumption measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), and the Count attribute contains the number of accounting points. The data is available starting from 1.8.2023. | 1 h |
Commercial transmission of electricity between FI-EE Commercial flow on border FI-EE. Commercial flow includes sum flow from Day-ahead and Intraday markets. Positive value is (+) export and negative value is (-) import. Data is updated as follows: • previous day once pre hour h + 2 min • Current and following day once per hour h + 45 min The time series will be changed to 15 min series 22.1.2025. | 15 min |
mFRR need Fingrid's estimate for need for mFRR energy. | 15 min |
Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve, price, up Marginal price for procured upward automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) capacity [/MW]. | 1 h |
Bilateral trade capacity RUS-FI The bilateral capacity on the 400 kV connection from Russia (RUS) to Finland (FI) that is reserved to bilateral trade of the following commercial day. The capacity is confirmed by Fingrid and the Russian parties. | 1 h |
Bilateral trade between FI-RUS Bilateral trade between Finland and Russia. Fingrid and the Russian parties confirm the bilateral trades on 400 kV cross-border connection in the morning of the commercial day D for the following commercial day D+1. The confirmed bilateral trades will be bid price-independently on the electricity spot market | 1 h |
Ordered down-regulations from Balancing energy market in Finland Ordered down-regulations from Balancing energy market in Finland. The volume of ordered down-regulations from Balancing energy market in Finland is published hourly with two hours delay, eg. information from hour 06-07 is published at 9 o'clock. Balancing energy market is market place for manual freqeuncy restoration reserve (mFRR) which is used to balance the electricity generation and consumption in real time. The Balancing energy market organized by Fingrid is part of the Nordic Balancing energy market that is called also Regulating power market. Fingrid orders up- or down-regulation from the Balancing energy market. Down-regulation considers increasing of consumption or reducing of generation. Down-regulation volume has negative sign. | 1 h |
Planned transmission capacity FI-RUS Planned transmission capacity from Finland to Russia. Transmission capacity is given hourly for every next week hour. Each week's hour is given one value. Planned weekly transmission capacity Fingrid will publish every Tuesday. Transmission capacity means the capability of the electricity system to supply electricity to the market without compromising the system security. | 1 h |
Transmission of electricity between Finland and Russia - measured every 15 minutes The time series update ended on August 12, 2024.Measured electrical transmission between Finland and Russia. Positive sign means transmission from Finland to Russia. Negative sign means transmission from Russia to Finland. The value is updated once every 15 minutes after the hour shift. Each day before noon the values of the previous day are updated with more accurate measurement values. The Data before 13.06.2023 is in hourly resolution. | 15 min |
Transmission of electricity between Finland and Norway The values in the data have been erroneously instantaneous values. The data will be corrected to a 15-minute average. From February 21, 2024, the data are correct 15-minute averages. Average data can be found correctly on the European transparency platform: Measured electrical transmission between Finland and Norway 220kV tie line. Positive sign means transmission from Finland to Norway. Negative sign means transmission from Norway to Finland. The value is updated once every 15 minutes after the hour shift. Each day before noon the values of the previous day are updated with more accurate measurement values. The Data before 13.06.2023 is in hourly resolution. | 15 min |
Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve, activated, up The updating of the data set has ended on 12 June 2024 with the introduction of the aFRR energy market. Activated automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) energy, up [MW]. Value is activated average power. The amount of activated Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) is calculated based on the activation signal and reserve capacity maintained in Finland. The average shown every quarter is the average of the past quarter, i.e. the value coming with a time stamp of 14:15 is the average from 14:00-14:15. The Data before 13.06.2023 is in hourly resolution. | 15 min |
Net import/export of electricity - real time data Net import to Finland and net export from Finland. The data is updated every 3 minutes. Production information and import/export are based on the real-time measurements in Fingrid's operation control system. | 3 min |
Special regulation, down-regulation Regulation which takes place in the regulating power market by Fingrid for reasons other than the needs of national balance management. | 1 h |
Special regulation, up-regulation Regulation which takes place in the regulating power market by Fingrid for reasons other than the needs of national balance management. | 1 h |
Frequency Containment Reserve for Normal operation, activated The values in the data have been erroneously instantaneous values. From February 21, 2024, the data are correct 15-minute averages. Hourly values can be found correctly on the European transparency platform: Activated Frequency Containment Reserve for Normal operation (FCR-N) is published one hour after the hour in question, for example the value for hour 07-08 is published at 9 o'clock. FCR-N is the frequency containment reserve used in the Nordic synchronous system that aims to keep the frequency in normal frequency range between 49,9 - 50,1 Hz. Activated FCR-N volume (MWh) is calculated on the basis of the frequency in the Nordic synchronous system and maintained Finnish FCR-N capacity. Value is activated net average power. Positive value means that the frequency has been in average below 50,0 Hz during the hour, and reserve has been activated as up-regulation. Respectively, negative value means that the frequency has been in average above 50,0 Hz, and reserve has been activated as down-regulation. The average value displayed every 15 minutes is the average of the past 15 minutes, so for example the value at 14.15 is the average value from 14.00 to 14.15. The Data before 13.06.2023 is in hourly resolution. | 15 min |
Frequency containment reserves for disturbances downward regulation, nordic trade The volume of the nordic trade of frequency containment reserve for disturbances downward regulation (FCR-D down) capacity. Positive numbers indicate import of capacity to Finland and negative numbers indicate export of capacity from Finland. The data contains the traded capacity for Sweden and Norway. The data will be published 22:45 (EET) on previous evening. FCR-D down is the frequency containment reserve used in the Nordic synchronous system that aims to keep the frequency below 50,5 Hz during disturbances. Hourly market is a reserve market operated by Fingrid. Procured volumes vary for each hour and price is the price of the most expensive procured bid. | 1 h |
Frequency Containment Reserve for Normal operation, hourly market prices Hourly prices (/MW,h) of procured frequency containment reserve for normal operation (FCR-N) in Finnish hourly market for each CET-timezone day is published previous evening at 22:45 (EET). FCR-N is the frequency containment reserve used in the Nordic synchronous system that aims to keep the frequency in normal frequency range between 49,9 - 50,1 Hz. Hourly market is a reserve market operated by Fingrid. Procured volumes vary for each hour and price is the price of the most expensive procured bid. | 1 h |
Balancing Capacity Market (mFRR), up, hourly market, price Data before 30.11.2022 is test-data. The marginal price of upwards balancing capacity procured from the balancing capacity market, /MW,h. Fingrid procures mFRR capacity through the balancing capacity market auction, which is held when needed. Balance service provider pledges itself to leave regulating bids on the regulation market. For that the balance service provider is entitled to capacity payment. | 1 h |
Wind power generation - 15 min data The values in the data have been erroneously instantaneous values. From February 21, 2024, the data are correct 15-minute averages. The older average data can be found correctly on the European transparency platform: Finnish 15 min wind power generation is a sum of measurements from wind parks supplied to Fingrid and of the estimate Fingrid makes from non-measured wind parks. Non-measured wind parks are about two percent of the production capacity. The average shown every quarter is the average of the past quarter, i.e. the value coming with a time stamp of 14:15 is the average from 14:00-14:15. The Data before 13.06.2023 is in hourly resolution. | 15 min |
Fast Frequency Reserve FFR, price The price of procured Fast Frequency Reserve (FFR) (/MW). The price will be published 22:00 (EET) on previous evening. The price is determined by the price of the most expensive procured bid (marginal pricing). The Fast Frequency Reserve (FFR) is procured to handle low-inertia situations. The needed volume of Fast Frequency Reserve depends on the amount of inertia in the power system and the size of the reference incident. | 1 h |
Hour change regulation, down-regulation In order to reduce problems encountered at the turn of the hour in the Nordic countries or in Finland, the planned production changes will be transfered to begin 15 minutes before or after the planned moment. | 1 h |
Frequency - historical data Frequency of the Nordic synchronous system with a 10 Hz sample rate. The frequency measurement data has been divided into archives consisting of monthly frequency measurement data. Within the archives, the data is divided into daily CSV-files that can be manipulated using common data analysis software. The frequency is measured at 400 kV substations at different locations in Finland with a sample rate of 10 Hz. The data may contain some gaps due to telecommunication errors etc. The times are according to UTC+2 / UTC+3 during daylight saving time period. | 0,1 s |
Sum of aFRR energy bids, up The dataset will be available on June 12, when Fingrid takes the aFRR energy market into use. Possible values before this are test values. Sum of aFRR energy bids for upwards direction, in bidding zone FI. Unavailable bids, for example due to communication problems, are not included in the sum. | 15 min |
Day-ahead transmission capacity SE3-FI - official Day-ahead transmission capacity from Central-Sweden (SE3) to Finland (FI). Transmission capacity is given hourly for every hour of the next day. Each hour is given one value. Day-ahead transmission capacity Fingrid will publish every day in the afternoon. This capacity will not be changed after publication. Transmission capacity means the capability of the electricity system to supply electricity to the market without compromising the system security.This time series will not be updated after 29.10.2024. | 1 h |
Incentivising Component (IC) NO2 Incentivising Component (IC) NO2. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). VoAA and IC are not implemented in Norway as in the other Nordic countries, but corresponding values are published for informational purposes. In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Electricity production, surplus/deficit - real time data Finland's energy production surplus/deficit. Information is based on the real time measurements in Fingrid's power control system. Power deficit/surplus represents the balance between power production and consumption in Finland, taking into account imports and exports. Power deficit/surplus is calculated as the difference between the measured net import/export and the confirmed net exchange program between Finland and the other Nordic countries. Sign convention: production deficit -, surplus +. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Emission factor for electricity consumed in Finland - real time data Estimate of carbon dioxide of produced electricity, which is consumed in Finland. The emissions are estimated by taking FInland's electricity production, electricity import as well as electricity export into account. Emissions from electricity consumed in Finland = (Emissions from electricity production in Finland + Emissions from electricity imported into Finland - Emissions from electricity exported from Finland) / (Electricity output in Finland + Electricity imported into Finland - Electricity exported from Finland). The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Emission factor of electricity production in Finland - real time data Near in real time calculated carbon dioxide emission estimate of electricity production in Finland. The emissions are estimated by summing each product of different electricity production type and their emission factor together, and by dividing the sum by Finland's total electricity production: = (Emissions from Finnish electricity production) / ( Finnish electricity output) = (sum of emission factors and production inputs) / total production. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Frequency containment reserve for disturbances downwards regulation, received bids in hourly market The volume of received frequency containment reserve for disturbances downwards regulation (FCR-D down) bids. The volume of bids will be published 22:00 (EET) on previous evening. FCR-D downwards regulation is the frequency containment reserve used in the Nordic synchronous system that aims to keep the frequency below 50,5 Hz during disturbances. | 1 h |
Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) NO1 Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) NO1. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). VoAA and IC are not implemented in Norway as in the other Nordic countries, but corresponding values are published for informational purposes. In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) NO2 Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) NO2. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). VoAA and IC are not implemented in Norway as in the other Nordic countries, but corresponding values are published for informational purposes. In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) NO3 Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) NO3. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). VoAA and IC are not implemented in Norway as in the other Nordic countries, but corresponding values are published for informational purposes. In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Transmission between Finland and Norway - real time data Power transmission between Finland and Norway 220kV AC tie line. Data is based on the real-time measurements in Fingrid's operation control system. Positive sign means transmission from Finland to Norway. Negative sign means transmission from Norway to Finland. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Transmission between Finland and Russia - real time data Power transmission between Finland and Russia based on the real-time measurements in Fingrid's operation control system. Positive sign means transmission from Finland to Russia. Negative sign means transmission from Russia to Finland. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Day-ahead transmission capacity EE-FI - official Day-ahead transmission capacity from Estonia (EE) to Finland (FI). Transmission capacity is given hourly for every hour of the next day. Each hour is given one value. Day-ahead transmission capacity Fingrid will publish every day in the afternoon. This capacity will not be changed after publication. Transmission capacity means the capability of the electricity system to supply electricity to the market without compromising the system security. | 1 h |
Transmission capacity FI-RUS The total commercial transmission capacity of the 400 kV transmission lines from Finland to Russia owned by Fingrid. The technical capacity on 400 kV lines from Russia to Finland is 1400 MW or 1000 MW, depending whether the NWPP power plant that is located in St. Petersburg area is connected to the Finnish or the Russian power system. Fingrid has reserved 100 MW of transmission capacity from Russia to Finland to buy reserve power. The technical maximum capacity from Finland to Russia is 350 MW, of which Fingrid has reserved 30 MW to buy reserve power. | 1 h |
Frequency containment reserves for disturbances downward regulation, reserve plans in the yearly market The hourly sum of reserve plans for frequency containment reserve for disturbances downwards regulation (FCR-D down) in the yearly market. The data will be published 22:45 (EET) on previous evening. FCR-D downwards regulation is the frequency containment reserve used in the Nordic synchronous system that aims to keep the frequency below 50,5 Hz during disturbances. Yearly market is a reserve market operated by Fingrid. Hourly procured volumes vary according to the reserve plans submitted by the balancing service providers and the price is constant over the whole year. | 1 h |
Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve, price, down Marginal price for procured automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) capacity for down-regulation [/MW]. | 1 h |
Intraday transmission capacity SE1-FI Transmission capacity for intraday market from Northern Sweden to Finland (SE1-FI). For intraday market capacity is given as free capacity after dayahead market. Capacity is published once a day and not updated. Possible errors in values at moments when the day-ahead market transmission is from Finland to Sweden. | 1 h |
Balancing Capacity Market price The price of capacity procured from the balancing capacity market, /MW,h. Fingrid procures mFRR capacity throught the balancing capacity market on a weekly auction, which is held when needed. Balance service provider pledges itself to leave regulating bids on the regulation market. For that the balance service provider is entitled to capacity payment. The price is published at latest on Friday on the week before the procurement week at 12:00 (EET). | 1 vk |
Hydro power production - real time data Hydro power production in Finland based on the real-time measurements in Fingrid's operation control system. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Standard deviation for electricity consumption by user group in Finnish distribution networks Standard deviation of electricity consumption at electricity accounting points in Finland, categorised by user groups. The user groups are based on classifications by Statistics Finland: BE01 = Apartments, apartment block; BE02 = Apartments, small building (terraced, semi-detached and detached house), electrically heated; BE03 = Apartments, small building (terraced, semi-detached and detached house), not electrically heated; BE04 = Apartments, holiday home; BE05 = Residential properties; BE06 = Agricultural production (NACE A); BE07 = Industry (NACE B and C); BE08 = Infrastructure or energy and water supply (NACE D, E); BE09 = Construction (temporary electricity supply) (NACE F): BE10 = Services; BE11 = Outdoor lighting; BE12 = Charging points for electric vehicles; BE13 = Traffic; BE14 = Other. The data is derived from metering data and user group data provided to Datahub by Finnish distribution system operators. The data is submitted daily, the calculation interval is 1 month and the latest data is -4 days. Electricity consumption reflects the figures available at the time the report was generated and may include partially estimated metering data. Estimated metering data is generally corrected within 11 days. The Value attribute contains electricity consumption measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), and the Count attribute contains the number of accounting points. The data is available starting from 1.8.2023. | 1 h |
Electricity consumption in Finnish distribution networks based on estimated yearly consumption Aggregate hourly metering data for electricity accounting points in Finland, categorised by estimated yearly consumption in predefined ranges. Ranges for yearly consumption estimates: 0 = 0 to 2000 kWh, 2k = 2000 to 20,000 kWh, 20k = 20,000 to 100,000 kWh and 100k = more than 100,000 kWh. The data is derived from metering data and estimated yearly consumption data provided to Datahub by Finnish distribution system operators. The data is submitted daily, the calculation interval is 1 month and the latest data is -4 days. Electricity consumption reflects the figures available at the time the report was generated and may include partially estimated metering data. Estimated metering data is generally corrected within 11 days. The Value attribute contains electricity consumption measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), and the Count attribute contains the number of accounting points. The data is available starting from 1.8.2023. | 1 h |
Intraday transmission capacity EE-FI - real time data Transmission capacity to be given to intraday market EE-FI. After Elspot trades have been closed, real time intraday capacity is equivalent to the allocated intraday capacity. The real time capacity is updated after each intraday trade so that it corresponds to real time situation. The time series will be changed to 15 min series 22.1.2025. | 1 h |
Intraday transmission capacity FI-EE Transmission capacity to be given to intraday market FI-EE. Capacity for intraday market is given as free capacity after dayahead market. Capacity is published once a day and not updated. The time series will be changed to 15 min series 22.1.2025. | 1 h |
Wind power generation forecast - updated once a day Finnish wind power generation forecasts for the next day. Forecast is updated every day at 12 p.m. EET. Length of the forecast is 24 hours. The forecast is based on weather forecasts and data about the location, size and capacity of wind turbines. The weather data sourced from multiple providers. The Data before 28.03.2024 is in hourly resolution. | 15 min |
Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) SE3 Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) SE3. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
aFRR energy volume weighted average price, up The dataset will be available on June 12, when Fingrid takes the aFRR energy market into use. Possible values before this are test values. aFRR energy volume weighted average price, upwards direction. Calculated based on PICASSO platform marginal price for bidding zone FI and satisfied demand of Fingrid, when Fingrid is connected to PICASSO. If Fingrid is not connected to PICASSO, based on marginal price calculated by Fingrid and activated aFRR volume in Finland. The price is volume weighted average price for each 15 minutes, if there have not been aFRR activations for respective direction during the period, the value is empty. Volume weighted average price is used in calculation of imbalance price. | 15 min |
aFRR energy volume weighted average price, local selection, up The dataset will be available on June 12, when Fingrid takes the aFRR energy market into use. Possible values before this are test values. aFRR energy volume weighted average price of local selection, upwards direction. Calculated based on upward bids activated with higher price comparing to PICASSO platform marginal price for bidding zone FI, and respective volume. If Fingrid is not connected to PICASSO, there will be no local selection activation or price. The price is volume weighted average price for each 15 minutes, taking in account the individual prices and volumes of locally activated bids. If there have not been aFRR activations for respective direction during the period, the value is empty. | 15 min |
Planned weekly capacity from south to north Planned weekly capacity on North-South cut in Finland (cut P1) from South to North. Planned outages are included in the weekly capacity, information is not updated after disturbances. | 1 h |
Stock exchange capacity RUS-FI The capacity on the 400 kV connection from Russia to Finland is reserved to direct trade of the following commercial day. Fingrid and the Russian parties, who have jointly agreed that the capacity is 140 MW in both directions, daily confirm the capacity. | 1 h |
Stock exchange trade FI-RUS-FI Stock exchange trade between Finland and Russia. Direct trade volumes derive from freely placed bids in the Nordic day-ahead (Elspot) and intraday (Elbas) electricity markets. Information is updated once the day-ahead market results are public. Information on the intraday trade is updated before the operational hour. | 1 h |
Congestion income between FI-SE3 Congestion income between Finland (FI) and Central Sweden (SE3). Congestion income is published on ENTSO-E's Transparency Platform, which can be founded here: . There are historical values to be found from Open Data until the beginning of February 2017. After February 2017 updated data as well as historical data can be founded from ENTSO-E's Transparency Platform. Congestion income = commercial flow between FI and SE3 on the day ahead market [MWh/h] * absolute value of price difference between FI and SE3 [/MWh]. Congestion originates in the situation where transmission capacity between bidding zones is not sufficient to fulfill the market demand and the congestion splits the bidding zones into separate price areas. Congestion income arises from the different prices that the sellers receive and the buyers pay when electricity flows from the higher price area to the lower price area. The seller acting in a lower price area receives lower price for electricity compared to the price the other party pays for electricity in the higher price area, and the power exchange receives surplus income, which it then pays to the Transmission System Operators (TSOs). The TSOs spend the received congestion income on increasing the transmission capacity on its cross-border interconnectors according to the EU regulation. | 1 h |
Other power transactions, down-regulation Other power transactions which are necessary in view of the power system. | 1 h |
Transmission between Finland and Central Sweden - real time data Power transmission between Central Sweden (SE3) and Finland (FI) HVDC tie lines. Data is based on the real-time measurements in Fingrid's operation control system. Positive sign means transmission from Finland to Central Sweden (SE3). Negative sign means transmission from Central Sweden (SE3) to Finland. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
The price of comsumption imbalance electricity The price of consumption imbalance power is the price for which Fingrid both purchases imbalance power from a balance responsible party and sells it to one. In the case of regulating hour, the regulation price is used. If no regulation has been made, the Elspot FIN price is used as the purchase and selling price of consumption imbalance power. Data gathering to Excel-sheet or XML format is possible in periods not longer that one year due to limitations in data transmission. Separate consumption imbalance ended when 1.11.2021 01.00 settlement model was changed to single imbalance. | 1 h |
Incentivising Component (IC) NO3 Incentivising Component (IC) NO3. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). VoAA and IC are not implemented in Norway as in the other Nordic countries, but corresponding values are published for informational purposes. In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) FI Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) FI. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) NO4 Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) NO4. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). VoAA and IC are not implemented in Norway as in the other Nordic countries, but corresponding values are published for informational purposes. In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) SE1 Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) SE1. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Vältetyn aktivoinnin arvo (VoAA) SE2 Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) SE2. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Frequency Containment Reserve for Normal operation, hourly market volumes Hourly volume of procured frequency containment reserve for normal operation (FCR-N) in Finnish hourly market for each CET-timezone day is published previous evening at 22:45 (EET). FCR-N is the frequency containment reserve used in the Nordic synchronous system that aims to keep the frequency in normal frequency range between 49,9 - 50,1 Hz. Hourly market is a reserve market operated by Fingrid. Procured volumes vary for each hour and price is the price of the most expensive procured bid. | 1 h |
Balancing Capacity (mFRR), down, hourly market, procured volume Data before 30.11.2022 is test-data. The amount of downwards balancing capacity procured from the balancing capacity market, MW/h. Fingrid procures mFRR capacity through the balancing capacity market auction, which is held when needed. Balance service provider pledges itself to leave regulating bids on the regulation market. For that the balance service provider is entitled to capacity payment. | 1 h |
Balancing Capacity (mFRR), up, hourly market, procured volume Data before 30.11.2022 is test-data. The amount of upwards balancing capacity procured from the balancing capacity market, MW/h. Fingrid procures mFRR capacity through the balancing capacity market auction, which is held when needed. Balance service provider pledges itself to leave regulating bids on the regulation market. For that the balance service provider is entitled to capacity payment. | 1 h |
Electricity consumption by metering method in Finnish distribution networks Aggregate hourly metering data for electricity accounting points in Finland, categorised by metering methods. Metering methods: E13 = Continunous metering, E14 = Reading metering, E16 = Unmetered. The data is derived from metering data and metering method data provided to Datahub by Finnish distribution system operators. For accounting points with small-scale production, the production has been deducted from the metering data. Therefore consumption is not comparable with Fingrid’s other Open Data reports. The data is submitted daily, the calculation interval is 1 month and the latest data is -4 days. Electricity consumption reflects the figures available at the time the report was generated and may include partially estimated metering data. Estimated metering data is generally corrected within 11 days. The Value attribute contains electricity consumption measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), and the Count attribute contains the number of accounting points. The data is available starting from 1.8.2023. | 1 h |
Intraday transmission capacity FI-EE - real time data Transmission capacity to be given to intraday market FI-EE. After Elspot trades have been closed, real time intraday capacity is equivalent to the allocated intraday capacity. The real time capacity is updated after each intraday trade so that it corresponds to real time situation. The time series will be changed to 15 min series 22.1.2025. | 1 h |
Intraday transmission capacity EE-FI - real time data Transmission capacity to be given to intraday market EE-FI. After Elspot trades have been closed, real time intraday capacity is equivalent to the allocated intraday capacity. The real time capacity is updated after each intraday trade so that it corresponds to real time situation. The time series will be changed to 15 min series 22.1.2025. | 15 min |
Intraday transmission capacity FI-EE Transmission capacity to be given to intraday market FI-EE. Capacity for intraday market is given as free capacity after dayahead market. Capacity is published once a day and not updated. The time series will be changed to 15 min series 22.1.2025. | 15 min |
Electricity production prediction - premilinary 15 minutes electricity generation forecast is based on the production plans that balance responsible parties have reported to Fingrid. The forecast is published daily by 6.00 pm for the next day, and it is not updated to match the updated production plans that balance responsible parties send to Fingrid. The Data before 10.06.2023 is in hourly resolution. | 15 min |
Activated up-regulation power The activated upward power from balancing power market. The value is given for each 15 minutes and indicated the amount of activated power in the end of each 15 minute time period. The values are available starting from December 2018. | 15 min |
mFRR flow FI-EE mFRR energy crossborder flow on border FI-EE. Positive value is (+) export and negative value is (-) import. | 15 min |
mFRR flow FI-SE1 mFRR energy crossborder flow on border FI-SE1. Positive value is (+) export and negative value is (-) import. | 15 min |
Agreed supportive power FI-SE1 Agreed supportive power between TSOs on border FI - SE1 | 15 min |
Activated mFRR balancing regulation SA upward Upward balancing power activated for balancing needs in the mFRR energy market. Scheduled activation (SA). | 15 min |
mFRR up-regulation bids Quarterly sum of upward bids submitted by Finnish parties to the mFRR energy market. Only the largest volume or activated bid is summed from exclusive bids. Condition bids are summed when they have final status available. Unavailable bids are not included. | 15 min |
Dominating direction in the mFRR energy market in Finland Dominating direction in the mFRR energy market in FinlandIn the dataset, the dominating direction for each hour are described as follows: -1 = down-regulation, more energy was activated down during the hour 1 = up-regulation, more energy was activated up during the hour 0 = no direction, no activation for mFRR at all or an equal amount of energy was regulated in both directions. | 15 min |
Up-regulating price in the Balancing energy market Upward marginal price of mFRR energy for scheduled activation (SA) and direct activation (DA). Up-regulation considers increasing of production or reducing of consumption. | 15 min |
Imbalance price Imbalance price for balance responsible party's imbalance in Single price-single position settlement from 1.11.2021 01.00. Prices are updated hourly. The dataset will be in 15 minutes resolution starting from 19.3.2025. | 15 min |
Bilateral trade capacity FI-RUS, unused Unused bilateral trade capacity from Finland (FI) to Russia (RUS). The capacity of electricity transmission in bilateral trade can be left unused if the parties do not export the maximum amount of electricity to Russia. | 1 h |
Transmission capacity RUS-FI The total commercial transmission capacity of the 400 kV transmission lines from Russia to Finland owned by Fingrid. The technical capacity on 400 kV lines from Russia to Finland is 1400 MW or 1000 MW, depending whether the NWPP power plant that is located in St. Petersburg area is connected to the Finnish or the Russian power system. Fingrid has reserved 100 MW of transmission capacity from Russia to Finland to buy reserve power. The technical maximum capacity from Finland to Russia is 350 MW, of which Fingrid has reserved 30 MW to buy reserve power. | 1 h |
Intraday transmission capacity RUS-FI The capacity given to intraday market means transfer capacity after day-ahead trade from Russia to Finland. The intraday capacity between Finland and Russia is updated once a day. The data will not be revised after hourly day-ahead trade. | 1 h |
Ordered up-regulations from Balancing energy market in Finland Ordered up-regulations from Balancing energy market in Finland. The volume of ordered up-regulations from Balancing energy market in Finland is published hourly with two hours delay, eg. information from hour 06-07 is published at 9 o'clock. Balancing energy market is market place for manual freqeuncy restoration reserve (mFRR) which is used to balance the electricity generation and consumption in real time. The Balancing energy market organized by Fingrid is part of the Nordic Balancing energy market that is called also Regulating power market. Fingrid orders up- or down-regulation from the Balancing energy market. Up-regulation considers increasing of generation or reducing of consumption. | 1 h |
Transmission of electricity between Finland and Central Sweden - measured every 15 minutes The values in the data have been erroneously instantaneous values. From February 21, 2024, the data are correct 15-minute averages. Average data can be found correctly on the European transparency platform: Measured transmission of electricity between Finland and Central Sweden (SE3). Positive sign means transmission from Finland to Central Sweden (SE3). Negative sign means transmission from Northern Sweden (SE1) to Finland. The average shown every quarter is the average of the past quarter, i.e. the value coming with a time stamp of 14:15 is the average from 14:00-14:15. The Data before 13.06.2023 is in hourly resolution. | 15 min |
Average electricity consumption by user group in Finnish distribution networks Average hourly electricity consumption at electricity accounting points in Finland, categorised by user group. The user groups are based on classifications by Statistics Finland: BE01 = Apartments, apartment block; BE02 = Apartments, small building (terraced, semi-detached and detached house), electrically heated; BE03 = Apartments, small building (terraced, semi-detached and detached house), not electrically heated; BE04 = Apartments, holiday home; BE05 = Residential properties; BE06 = Agricultural production (NACE A); BE07 = Industry (NACE B and C); BE08 = Infrastructure or energy and water supply (NACE D, E); BE09 = Construction (temporary electricity supply) (NACE F): BE10 = Services; BE11 = Outdoor lighting; BE12 = Charging points for electric vehicles; BE13 = Traffic; BE14 = Other. The data is derived from metering data and user group data provided to Datahub by Finnish distribution system operators. The data is submitted daily, the calculation interval is 1 month and the latest data is -4 days. Electricity consumption reflects the figures available at the time the report was generated and may include partially estimated metering data. Estimated metering data is generally corrected within 11 days. The Value attribute contains electricity consumption measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), and the Count attribute contains the number of accounting points. The data is available starting from 1.8.2023. | 1 h |
Wind power production - real time data Wind power production based on the real-time measurements in Fingrid's operation control system. About two percent of the production capacity is estimated as measurements aren't available. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Transmission between Sweden and Åland - real time data Power transmission between Åland and Sweden based on the real-time measurements in Fingrid's operation control system. Åland is a part of SE3 (Central-Sweden) bidding zone. Positive sign means transmission from Åland to Sweden. Negative sign means transmission from Sweden to Åland. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Planned transmission capacity RUS-FI Planned transmission capacity from Russia to Finland. Transmission capacity is given hourly for every next week hour. Each week's hour is given one value. Planned weekly transmission capacity Fingrid will publish every Tuesday. Transmission capacity means the capability of the electricity system to supply electricity to the market without compromising the system security. | 1 h |
Bilateral trade capacity FI-RUS The bilateral capacity on the 400 kV connection from Russia to Finland that is reserved to bilateral trade of the following commercial day. The capacity is confirmed by Fingrid and the Russian parties. | 1 h |
Frequency Containment Reserve for Normal operation, yearly market plans The hourly sum of reserve plans for frequency containment reserve for normal operation (FCR-N) in the yearly market. The data will be published 22:45 (EET) on previous evening. FCR-N is the frequency containment reserve used in the Nordic synchronous system that aims to keep the frequency in normal frequency range between 49,9 - 50,1 Hz. Yearly market is a reserve market operated by Fingrid. Hourly procured volumes vary according to the reserve plans submitted by the balancing service providers and the price is constant over the whole year. | 1 h |
Day-ahead transmission capacity FI-SE3 - planned Planned day-ahead transmission capacity from Finland (FI) to Central-Sweden (SE3). Transmission capacity is given hourly for every next week hour. Each week's hour is given one value. Planned weekly transmission capacity Fingrid will publish every Tuesday. Information will be updated if there are changes to the previous plan timetable or capacity. Transmission capacity means the capability of the electricity system to supply electricity to the market without compromising the system security. This time series will not be updated after 29.10.2024. | 1 h |
Balancing Capacity (mFRR), down, hourly market, bids Data before 30.11.2022 is test-data. The amount of downwards balancing capacity bids in the balancing capacity market, MW/h. Fingrid procures mFRR capacity through the balancing capacity market, which is held when needed. Balance service provider pledges itself to leave regulating bids on the regulation market. For that the balance service provider is entitled to capacity payment. | 1 h |
Balancing Capacity (mFRR), up, hourly market, bids Data before 30.11.2022 is test-data. The amount of upwards balancing capacity bids in the balancing capacity market, MW/h. Fingrid procures mFRR capacity through the balancing capacity market, which is held when needed. Balance service provider pledges itself to leave regulating bids on the regulation market. For that the balance service provider is entitled to capacity payment. | 1 h |
Fast Frequency Reserve FFR, received bids The volume of received Fast Frequency Reserve (FFR) bids. The volume of bids will be published 22:00 (EET) on previous evening. The Fast Frequency Reserve (FFR) is procured to handle low-inertia situations. The needed volume of Fast Frequency Reserve depends on the amount of inertia in the power system and the size of the reference incident. | 1 h |
Price of the last activated up-regulation bid - real time data The dataset will no longer be updated after the mFRR EAM golive on 4 March 2025. The price of the last activated up-regulation bid. The price is published real-time when Finland is a separate regulation area. Finland is an own separate regulation area in a situation where the border transmission connections between Finland and the Nordic countries are fully operational, which means that no more balancing energy can be imported from the other Nordic countries. In this case, only Finnish offers can be used. The balancing energy market is used to balance electricity production and consumption in real time. Fingrid orders up- or down-regulation, i.e. balancing energy, from the balancing energy market as needed. Up-regulation can be a increase in production or an reduction in consumption and the price for up-regulation is determined by the most expensive up-regulation offer used. In situations where Fingrid has activated balancing energy for purposes other than balancing, the published price may differ from the final price for balancing energy. The published price is indicative. | 1 h |
Congestion income between FI-EE Congestion income between Finland (FI) and Estonia (EE). Congestion income is published on ENTSO-E's Transparency Platform, which can be founded here: . There are historical values to be found from Open Data until the beginning of February 2017. After February 2017 updated data as well as historical data can be founded from ENTSO-E's Transparency Platform. Congestion income is calculated as follows: congestion income [/h] = commercial flow on day ahead market [MW] * area price difference [/MWh]. Congestion originates in the situation where transmission capacity between bidding zones is not sufficient to fulfill the market demand and the congestion splits the bidding zones into separate price areas. Congestion income arises from the different prices that the sellers receive and the buyers pay when electricity flows from the higher price area to the lower price area. The power exchange receives the difference, which it then pays to the Transmission System Operators (TSOs). The TSOs spend the received congestion income on increasing the transmission capacity on its cross-border interconnectors according to the EU regulation. | 1 h |
Intraday transmission capacity FI-RUS The capacity given to intraday market means transfer capacity after day-ahead trade from Finland (FI) to Russia (RUS). The intraday capacity between Finland and Russia is updated once a day. The data will not be revised after hourly day-ahead trade. | 1 h |
Intraday transmission capacity FI - SE1 Transmission capacity for intraday market from Finland to Northern Sweden (FI - SE1). For intraday market capacity is given as free capacity after dayahead market. Capacity is published once a day and not updated. Possible errors in values at moments when the day-ahead market transmission is from Finland to Sweden. | 1 h |
Transmission of electricity between Finland and Estonia The values in the data have been erroneously instantaneous values. From February 21, 2024, the data are correct 15-minute averages.Average data can be found correctly on the European transparency platform: Measured electrical transmission between Finland and Estonia HVDC tile lines (Estlink 1 and Estlink 2). Positive sign means transmission from Finland to Estonia. Negative sign means transmission from Estonia to Finland. The value is updated once every 15 minutes after the hour shift. Each day before noon the values of the previous day are updated with more accurate measurement values. The average shown every quarter is the average of the past quarter, i.e. the value coming with a time stamp of 14:15 is the average from 14:00-14:15. The Data before 13.06.2023 is in hourly resolution. | 15 min |
Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve, activated, down The updating of the data set has ended on 12 June 2024 with the introduction of the aFRR energy market. Activated automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) energy, down [MW]. Value is activated average power. The amount of activated Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) is calculated based on the activation signal and reserve capacity maintained in Finland. The amount of activated Automatic Frequency. The Data before 13.06.2023 is in hourly resolution. | 15 min |
Frequency Containment Reserve for Normal operation, activated up-regulation FCR-N is the frequency containment reserve used in the Nordic synchronous system that aims to keep the frequency in normal frequency range between 49,9 - 50,1 Hz. Activated FCR-N volume up (MW) is calculated on the basis of the frequency in the Nordic synchronous system and maintained Finnish FCR-N capacity. Value is the average activated up-regulation power. Positive value means that the frequency has been below 50,0 Hz during the quarter, and reserve has been activated as up-regulation. The average value displayed every 15 minutes is the average of the past 15 minutes, so for example the value at 14.15 is the average of 14.00-14.15. | 15 min |
Balancing Capacity (mFRR), hourly market, procurement from Estonia Data before 30.11.2022 is test-data. In addition to the national weekly market, Fingrid also has the possibility to procure mFRR balancing capacity from Estonia. This dataset includes the procured balancing capacity amounts from Estonia, MW/week. Balancing capacity from Estonia will reduce the need to purchase from the national balancing capacity market. The procured amount is published at latest on Friday of the week before the procurement week at 12:00 (EET). | 1 h |
Surplus/deficit, cumulative - real time data Information is based on the real time measurements in Fingrid's power control system. Power deficit/surplus represents the balance between production and consumption in Finland, taking into account imports and exports. It is calculated as the difference between the measured net import/export and the confirmed net exchange program between Finland and the other Nordic countries. The cumulative production deficit/surplus is the hourly energy generated from the difference. Sign convention: production deficit -, surplus +. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Imbalance power between Finland and Sweden The volume of power equals to the difference between measured and commercial transmission between Finland and Sweden. The tradetypes of commercial flow include day ahead, intraday and trades between Fingrid and Svenska Kraftnät during the operational hour. When the value of imbalance power volume is positive Fingrid has sold imbalance power to Sweden. When the value of imbalance power volume is negative Fingrid has bought imbalance power from Sweden. | 1 h |
Solar power generation forecast - updated once a day Solar power generation forecasts for the next day. Forecast is updated every day at 12 p.m. EET. Length of the forecast is 24 hours. Solar forecasts are based on weather forecasts and estimates of installed PV capacity and location in Finland. Total PV capacity is based on yearly capacity statistics from the Finnish energy authority and estimates on installation rate of new capacity. Location information is a very rough estimate based on Finnish distribution grid operators information. The Data before 28.03.2024 is in hourly resolution. | 15 min |
Day-ahead transmission capacity SE1-FI - planned Planned day-ahead transmission capacity from North-Sweden (SE1) to Finland (FI). Transmission capacity is given hourly for every next week hour. Each week's hour is given one value. Planned weekly transmission capacity Fingrid will publish every Tuesday. Information will be updated if there are changes to the previous plan timetable or capacity. Transmission capacity means the capability of the electricity system to supply electricity to the market without compromising the system security. This time series will not be updated after 29.10.2024. | 1 h |
Sum of aFRR energy bids, down The dataset will be available on June 12, when Fingrid takes the aFRR energy market into use. Possible values before this are test values. Sum of aFRR energy bids for downwards direction, in bidding zone FI. Unavailable bids, for example due to communication problems, are not included in the sum. | 15 min |
Planned weekly capacity from north to south Planned weekly capacity on North-South cut in Finland (cut P1) from North to South. Planned outages are included in the weekly capacity, information is not updated after disturbances. | 1 h |
Activated mFRR special regulation DA downward Downward balancing power activated for special regulation needs in the mFRR energy market. Direct activation (DA). Maximum power of the quarter hour. | 15 min |
Activated mFRR special regulation downward Downward balancing power activated for special regulation needs in the mFRR energy market. Scheduled activation (SA) and direct activation (DA). Maximum power of the quarter hour. | 15 min |
Olkiluoto 3 protection scheme forecast Olkiluoto 3 protection scheme hourly forecast for the next day. The forecast is based on forecasts provided by the resource providers. The forecast is published by 10:00 AM for the next day and is not updated thereafter. The forecast is limited to 350 MW. | 1 h |
Transmission of electricity between Finland and Åland - measured hourly data Measured electrical transmission between Finland and Åland islands DC tie line. Positive sign means transmission from Finland to Åland. Negative sign means transmission from Åland to Finland. The value is updated once a day before noon with the values of the previous day. | 15 min |
Frequency Containment Reserve for Normal operation, activated down-regulation FCR-N is the frequency containment reserve used in the Nordic synchronous system that aims to keep the frequency in normal frequency range between 49,9 - 50,1 Hz. Activated FCR-N volume down (MW) is calculated on the basis of the frequency in the Nordic synchronous system and maintained Finnish FCR-N capacity. Value is the average activated down-regulation power. Negative value means that the frequency has been above 50,0 Hz, and reserve has been activated as down-regulation. The average value displayed every 15 minutes is the average of the past 15 minutes, so for example the value at 14.15 is the average of 14.00-14.15. | 15 min |
Incentivising Component (IC) NO4 Incentivising Component (IC) NO4. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). VoAA and IC are not implemented in Norway as in the other Nordic countries, but corresponding values are published for informational purposes. In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Incentivising Component (IC) NO5 Incentivising Component (IC) NO5. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). VoAA and IC are not implemented in Norway as in the other Nordic countries, but corresponding values are published for informational purposes. In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Balancing Capacity (mFRR), down, hourly market, procurement forecast Data before 30.11.2022 is test-data. The forecasted amount of downwards balancing capacity procurement [MW/h]. Fingrid procures mFRR capacity through the balancing capacity market, which is held when needed. Balance service provider pledges itself to leave regulating bids on the regulation market. For that the balance service provider is entitled to capacity payment. | 1 h |
Balancing Capacity Market results The amount of capacity procured from the balancing capacity market, MW/week. Fingrid procures mFRR capacity throught the balancing capacity market on a weekly auction, which is held when needed. Balance service provider pledges itself to leave regulating bids on the regulation market. For that the balance service provider is entitled to capacity payment. The procured amount is published at latest on Friday on the week before the procurement week at 12:00 (EET). | 1 vk |
Total production capacity used in the solar power forecast This is the total solar power production capacity used in Fingrid's solar power forecast. It is based on the small scale production statistics gathered by the Energy authority. It is also updated with estimates based on information that's provided to Fingrid. This total capacity information can be used, for example, to calculate the rate of production of solar power, by comparing it to the forecasted solar production series by Fingrid. This capacity information cannot however be considered as the official amount of solar production capacity in Finland, as it is updated manually and by using estimates. | 1 h |
Day-ahead transmission capacity FI-SE1 - planned Planned day-ahead transmission capacity from Finland (FI) to North-Sweden (SE1). Transmission capacity is given hourly for every next week hour. Each week's hour is given one value. Planned weekly transmission capacity Fingrid will publish every Tuesday. Information will be updated if there are changes to the previous plan timetable or capacity. Transmission capacity means the capability of the electricity system to supply electricity to the market without compromising the system security. This time series will not be updated after 29.10.2024. | 1 h |
Day-ahead transmission capacity FI-SE1 - official Day-ahead transmission capacity from Finland (FI) to North-Sweden (SE1). Transmission capacity is given hourly for every hour of the next day. Each hour is given one value. Day-ahead transmission capacity Fingrid will publish every day in the afternoon. This capacity will not be changed after publication. Transmission capacity means the capability of the electricity system to supply electricity to the market without compromising the system security.This time series will not be updated after 29.10.2024. | 1 h |
Intraday transmission capacity FI-EE - real time data Transmission capacity to be given to intraday market FI-EE. After Elspot trades have been closed, real time intraday capacity is equivalent to the allocated intraday capacity. The real time capacity is updated after each intraday trade so that it corresponds to real time situation. The time series will be changed to 15 min series 22.1.2025. | 15 min |
Cross-border transmission fee, export to Russia Hourly cross-border transmission fee (dynamic tariff) for exports to Russia on Fingrid's connections. | 1 h |
Electricity consumption in Finland The values in the data have been erroneously instantaneous values. From February 21, 2024, the data are correct 15-minute averages. Average data can be found correctly on the European transparency platform: Electricity consumption in Finland is based on Fingrid's production measurements. Minor part of production which is not measured is estimated. The consumption is calculated as follows: Consumption = Production + Import - Export. The average shown every quarter is the average of the past quarter, i.e. the value coming with a time stamp of 14:15 is the average from 14:00-14:15. The Data before 13.06.2023 is in hourly resolution. | 15 min |
Agreed supportive power FI-EE Agreed supportive power between TSOs on border FI - EE | 15 min |
Activated mFRR special regulation DA upward Upward balancing power activated for special regulation needs in the mFRR energy market. Direct activation (DA). Maximum power of the quarter hour. | 15 min |
Activated mFRR special regulation upward Upward balancing power activated for special regulation needs in the mFRR energy market. Scheduled activation (SA) and direct activation (DA). Maximum power of the quarter hour. | 15 min |
Solar power generation forecast - updated every 15 minutes Solar power generation forecast for the next 72 hours. Updated every 15 minutes. Solar forecasts are based on weather forecasts and estimates of installed PV capacity and location in Finland. Total PV capacity is based on yearly capacity statistics from the Finnish energy authority and estimates on installation rate of new capacity. Location information is a very rough estimate based on Finnish distribution grid operators information. The Data before 31.05.2023 is in hourly resolution. | 15 min |
Temperature in Helsinki - real time data Outside air temperature measurement at Tammisto substation. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Temperature in Jyväskylä - real time data Outside air temperature measurement at Petäjävesi substation. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Peak load power - real time data Activated peak load power based on the real-time measurements in Fingrid's operation control system including peak load reserve activations and trial runs during winter period. The data is updated every 3 minutes. | 3 min |
Nuclear power production - real time data Nuclear power production in Finland based on the real-time measurements in Fingrid's operation control system. The data is updated every 3 minutes. Due to the fire on our Olkiluoto substation the total amount of nuclear power measurement has been incorrect between 18 July at 09:00 to 20 July at 13:00. Data corrected 25.1.2019. | 3 min |
Electricity consumption forecast Electricity consumption forecast of Finland. The forecast is made by Fingrid. The Data before 21.04.2024 is in 5 minute resolution. | 15 min |
Industrial cogeneration - real time data Cogeneration of industry based on the real-time measurements in Fingrid's operation control system. The data is updated every 3 minutes. Cogeneration means power plants that produce both electricity and district heating or process steam (combined heat and power, CHP). | 3 min |
Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve, capacity, up Procured automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) capacity, up [MW] | 1 h |
Small-scale electricity surplus production by customer type and production type at accounting points in Finnish distribution networks Aggregate hourly metering data for small-scale electricity production sites in Finland, categorised by production type and customer type. If no production device has been reported for an electricity production site, or if there are several production devices, production type = Other production. Customer types: company = AB01, consumer = AB02. Production types: AV01 = Hydropower, AV02 = Wind power, AV03 = Nuclear power, AV04 = Gas turbine, AV05 = Diesel engine, AV06 = Solar power, AV07 = Wave power, AV08 = Combined production, AV0 9 = Biopower, AV10 = Other production. The data is derived from metering data and production type data provided to Datahub by Finnish distribution system operators and customer type data provided by electricity suppliers. Production used for own consumption has been deducted from the production data in the metering process, and only the surplus small-scale production actually sold to the distribution system has been registered in Datahub. Therefore small-scale production is not comparable with Fingrid’s other Open Data reports. The data is submitted daily, the calculation interval is 1 month and the latest data is -4 days. Small-scale electricity production reflects the figures available at the time the report was generated and may include partially estimated metering data. Estimated metering data is generally corrected within 11 days. The Value attribute contains electricity consumption measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), and the Count attribute contains the number of accounting points. The data is available starting from 1.8.2023. | 1 h |
Frequency containment reserve for disturbances downwards regulation, procured volumes in hourly market Hourly volume of procured frequency containment reserve for disturbances downwards regulation (FCR-D down) in Finnish hourly market for each CET-timezone day is published previous evening at 22:45 (EET). FCR-D downwards regulation is the frequency containment reserve used in the Nordic synchronous system that aims to keep the frequency below 50,5 Hz during disturbances. Hourly market is a reserve market operated by Fingrid. Procured volumes vary for each hour and price is the price of the most expensive procured bid. | 1 h |
Frequency Containment Reserve for Normal operation, hourly market bids The volume of received Frequency Containment Reserves for Normal operation (FCR-N) bids. The volume of bids will be published 22:45 (EET) on previous evening. FCR-N is the frequency containment reserve used in the Nordic synchronous system that aims to keep the frequency in normal frequency range between 49,9 - 50,1 Hz. Hourly market is a reserve market operated by Fingrid. Procured volumes vary for each hour and price is the price of the most expensive procured bid. | 1 h |
Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) DK2 Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) DK2. More information about VoAA and IC can be found in eSett Handbook (definitions and calculation rules). In case VoAA and IC cannot be calculated according to the set rules, the value 99 999 will be displayed for both. | 1 h |
Frequency containment reserve for disturbances upwards regulation, procured volumes in hourly market Hourly volume of procured frequency containment reserve for disturbances upwards regulation (FCR-D up) in Finnish hourly market for each CET-timezone day is published previous evening at 22:45 (EET). FCR-D (up) is the frequency containment reserve used in the Nordic synchronous system that aims to keep the frequency above 49,5 Hz during disturbances. Hourly market is a reserve market operated by Fingrid. Procured volumes vary for each hour and price is the price of the most expensive procured bid. | 1 h |
Electricity production in Finland The values in the data have been erroneously instantaneous values. From February 21, 2024, the data are correct 15-minute averages. Average data can be found correctly on the European transparency platform: Electricity production in Finland are based on Fingrid's measurements. Minor part of production which is not measured is estimated. The average shown every quarter is the average of the past quarter, i.e. the value coming with a time stamp of 14:15 is the average from 14:00-14:15. The Data before 13.06.2023 is in hourly resolution. | 15 min |
Hour change regulation, up-regulation In order to reduce problems encountered at the turn of the hour in the Nordic countries or in Finland, the planned production changes will be transfered to begin 15 minutes before or after the planned moment. | 1 h |
Commercial transmission of electricity between FI-SE3 Commercial flow on border FI-SE3. Commercial flow includes sum flow from Day-ahead and Intraday markets. Positive value is (+) export and negative value is (-) import.
Data is updated as follows: · previous day once pre hour h + 2 min · Current and following day once per hour h + 45 min | 1 h |